- 90% Delta Fraction Tocotrienol
- 10% Gamma Tocotrienol
- Gelatine
- Water
- The Annatto plant: source of tocotrienol
Every person can benefit from Eterna™, whether you are healthy, striving to stay healthy, or struggling with conditions or illnesses, such as:
- High Lipid Levels
- Joint Pain
- Heart Disease
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Memory Problems
- Fatty Liver Disease
- Osteoporosis
- Skin Ageing or Disease
Eterna™ benefits anyone and everyone.
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Anti-ageing effects
- Assists in the control of disease
- Excellent addition to cancer treatment
- Prevention of disease complications

- Trans-GeranylGeraniol
- Gelatine
- Glycerine
- Purified water
- The Annatto pod: source of GeranylGeraniol or GG
GG is an essential substance in one of your body’s most important chemical processes; the Mevalonate Pathway. This process happens in every cell in your body. GG is the building block for Vitamin K2, CoQ10, testosterone and progesterone. We lose essential substances, such as GG, as we age and through the effects of medication. This results in muscle loss, decreased hormones, and abnormal deposition of calcium, leading to osteoporosis, gallstones and kidney stones.
- Endogenous synthesis of CoQ10
- Prevention/reversal of sarcopenia, muscle wasting or cachexia
- Maintenance of healthy bone density
- Endogenous synthesis of vitamin K2
- Metabolic health
- Antinociception (pain reduction)